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Zoltán Mészáros

Age: 24

Race: Human

Height: 6'

Eye Color: Forest Green

Hair Color: Dark Brown, with a black tint

Nicknames: Zoli, Zolika, Zolk

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Position: Switch

History: He'd grown up in a town called Razeir. It was a very poor town,

that was out in the country. The soldiers who were supposed to bring

justice actually stole from the merchants around the small town.

They did it in plain sight, though no one took a stand to them.

Razeir was merely a forgotten town in the kingdom, and it was not

likely to get better. Zoli's father had been brave enough to stand up to

a soldier whom had sexually assaulted a woman... but it was the

last thing he did. Zoi witnessed his father being cut down by

the soldier, and he never forgot it. His father died in his arms that day and he was only eleven years old. To make matters worse, his mother was forced to leave the town along with all the other women and children because of the war between the Kingdom of Tarii and the Kingdom of Greyfos. The Kingdom of Tarii was desparately trying to remain strong; the king was very ill and the queen had died at the beginning of the war, almost four years ago with no heir to the throne.


The town of Razeir was close to the outskirts of the Kingdom, and it would undoubtedly fall; crushed by the Kingdom of Greyfos. The soldiers feared that it would not be the last town they took over. The townspeople thought the same thing, which caused Zoli's mother, Alíz, to try and fight off the soldiers in effort to get to her son. Zoli had been forced to stay behind with the other men in the town who were to stay and fight the soldiers of Greyfos. The soldiers believed that because Zoli's father had confronted a soldier, his son would be left to pay for his crimes.


On account of his mother's hysteria, and her decision to break free from the soldiers grasp to go back for her son, the solider struck her with a dagger... and she fell to the ground never to get up again. Zoli, when he saw this from the town's gates, attempted to rush to her side. A shop worker who had been watching, caught hold of him and prevented him from doing anything rash. The soldier who had taken his mothers life, smirked back at him and then left the town after retrieving his blade from Alíz's lifeless body.


Zoli was finally turned loose by the shop worker, and he hurried to his mother's side.

The town held a burial for her, but the grieving was short lived. Soldiers of Greyfos invaded the town, cutting down everyone who stood in their way. Zoli fled, seeing no reason to stay. He took only his mothers necklace and the clothes on his back.


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