Qin Lee
Age: 20-28
Race: Firebender
Height: 5' 9"
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Deep ocean blue
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Position: Unknown
History: Not much is known about Qin Lee's early life, though it is known he was born on Hing Wa Island, the Fire Nation's supplier of fruit. When he was a teen, he was drafted into the Fire Nation Army, but showed better Firebending and fighting skills than other recruits, so he was sent to the Red Guard Academy.
Qin Lee was sent to the Red Guard Headquarters island, and was sentenced to a year of training at the island. The training was intense and brutal, and Qin Lee saw many of his friends go down during training. He managed to survive long enough to be in the final ten. Then, everyone had to partner up in pairs. For the final test, the partners had to duel each other to the death in an arena called The Pit in front of the Fire Lord. Qin Lee struck his partner down with much regret, and was promoted to lieutenant and was made part of the Air Force branch. On the day of the arrival of Sozin's Comet in 100 AG, Qin Lee and the rest of the airship crew reported to the lower deck of their vessel after Sokka, impersonating the captain, announced that there was to be a birthday celebration hosted there. As the crew was waiting, Qin Lee and an engineer from the lower decks began a friendly, yet awkward, conversation about how they had never met because of the size of the airship. After a pause, Qin Lee asked whose birthday it was, when another ImperialFirebender approached him, expressing his joyous disbelief over the captain having remembered his birthday. Before the conversation could continue, however, a hatch opened up, dropping Qin Lee and the other crew members into the sea near the shores of Wulong Forest. There, they swam to shore and then witnessed the battle between Aang and Firelord Ozai. Qin, after discovering the Firelord had his bending taken from him, renounced his loyalty to the Fire Nation, and most importantly to Firelord Ozai. He then went on to live his life in the Earth Kingdom as a shopkeeper. The goods he sold varied from food to swords as he tried to have everything a person might need. Because of his past, he kept his identity a secret and took on a new name as "Longwei Sung".